Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bob Rae speaks first about GG's announcement

OMG!! Don't be so obvious Bob, dial it back sister.

We all know you are like sooo frustrated that the whole government is not being handed to you RIGHT NOW!!!

Pushing that Dion out of the way to speak first (after the duly elected Prime Minister completed his afternoon address to the nation) about the GG's decision, was like soooo pushy.

I sympathize I do. I am sure you nearly had a stroke watching Dion's Mayor of Mellanville, Guy Carvalero Production SCTV handy cam "Dion Video" last night.

Even Mansbridge was stressed out by how f******** up the Liberals were last night and he's on beta blockers.

But Bob really, the more you demand the government be ceded to a NDP Liberal Coalition cobbled together 8 weeks after an election when no one said a word about a "Coalition"....

the more you remind the country why this is just so wrong and anti-democratic.